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Mandala Workshop

The word Mandala comes from the ancient language called “Sanskrit” it means “Sacred circle”. In various cultures, the circles are considered the perfect form; symbolize the universe and eternity, representing the cycle of life.

In this workshop, you will enter the Mandala world.

"I started to create Mandalas circa 2013 and they helped me a lot on my self-discovery 

and my own spiritual evolution. At that time I was living in Australia for about 5 years waiting on my visa and my grandfather had just passed away. I went through a difficult period and the mandalas were my way out of my mind and anxiety. 

Mandalas can work as a tool for active meditation, relaxation combating depression and anxiety. working on your subconscious and your inner world. Organising the chaos inside ourselves. 


Who can attend this class? 

Anyone can attend. You don't need to have any knowledge in drawing or painting. Can be for a beginner or for someone who already has some experience in this field. 


This Workshop is divided in 3 parts



- What’s a Mandala?
- Understanding their healing benefits
- Mandala as an art therapy


- Drawing your own Mandala
- Practising shapes and forms
- Colour study and combinations of colours


- Guided Interpretation of your own Mandala
- Sharing circle.

What's Included?
- All materials
- Grazing board + Tea break 



$98 per person

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